Carolina Mazalesky besitzt das einzigartige Talent die Violine auf einer Slackline zu spielen. Die Violinistin ist die Einzige weltweit welche die beiden Künste gleichzeitig auf professioneller Ebene kombinieren und darbieten kann. Mit ihrer Balance-Kunst hat sie schon relevante Auftritte live oder im Fernsehen gegeben, wie zum Beispiel beim IKW Festival in Winterthur, dem Winterthurer Klimatag, dem Black Mountain Festival, den Kunstweg 2023, Teletop Fernsehen oder dem Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen.
*"My art is in motion", says Carolina Mazalesky. That's literally true. The vivacious violinist plays and balances on a slackline at the same time. during the IKW Festival in Winterthur she made the distinction that art needs real space
* Helmut Dworschak
The Landbote Winterthur
*She must be insanely good at both and have automated many elements of the movement executions. Otherwise one would interfere with the other. In order to achieve flow, my ability and the requirements have to be in balance. So what I do has to match my skills. As soon as you are under- or overwhelmed, you no longer reach the state. It works best when the requirements are at the upper limit of your own ability or slightly above it.
_ *Jan Rauch. Psychologist
Carolina Mazalesky on a highline. Photo: Dan Laruelle
*To play the violin and to balance on a tight rope at the same time, its a hard core but Carolina concentrates on the balance while the violin. Meanwhile she plays not only for her own Healt but also for Public.
Teletop Television of Winterthur, Switzerland
Carolina Mazalesky on a highline. Photo: Dan Laruelle